Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Block Wins

Well, it looks like my "writer's block" has gotten the best of me. I just received news this morning that I have four weeks to look for a new job. The worst part is... I've been looking for a new job for weeks, there's just nothing out there.

I was hoping once people knew where the presidency was heading, things would start to open up, that has not been the case. I have no idea what I'm going to do. I can't pay my rent on unemployment. D.C.'s cost of living is awesome that way.

My boyfriend, is of course, supportive, actually telling me he was going to take me to dinner to celebrate. But me? I'm terrified. Sorry Grandma and Grandpa, looks like I won't be making it home for Christmas this year, I have to save the money. Honestly, couldn't they have waited until the New Year?

I never thought it would come to this. I think it's time to give up on writing as a career.

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